YES ✔️ Yes!! Because your relationship with yourself is deeply loving, and is your primary source of love, it means you are able to see and appreciate him for who he is and what he brings without constant disappointment. This has the effect of making him provide more of those qualities you love, because the love you give to him comes from the overflow of your own love, and not from giving-to-get.
NO ❌ *Sigh*. Looking to a man to love you in ways you can't love yourself absolutely sets him, and you, up for failure, because nobody can do that. At best, it might trigger a 'white knight' or 'rescuer' response from him - but that's not real love. It's a trauma response. The harsh truth is, having a healthy relationship with someone else, when you don't fully love and accept yourself isn't just unlikely, it's an energetic impossibility. Sadly, many of us have been given this false idea of ‘love’.